TurboCar, s.r.o. – company specialised in turbochargers
About us
TurboCar, s.r.o. is a company specialised in repairs, servicing and sale of all types of turbochargers for engines of passenger, freight, road as well as rail vehicles, agricultural and building machines. Our specialization is the service of turbochargers for biogas stations. The company was established in 1996 and since then it has been dealing, on a permanent basis, with overall servicing of all types of turbochargers in the Czech Republic even for the countries of the European Union. In 2003, our company was granted a licence authorisation for complete servicing of turbochargers of První brněnská strojírna Velká Bíteš a.s.
Thus we became the exclusive authorised servicing facility of PBS Turbo in the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
High level of care and experience
Through the high level of work care and with the use of original parts we achieve, even after overhauls, the same lifetime as in operation of a new turbocharger. Our high-quality and prompt services are appreciated not only by customers from all over the Czech Republic but also from abroad. Thanks to our long-term experience in the field of servicing of turbochargers we belong among top European companies in terms of quality.
Company objectives
The aim of our company is at first a satisfied customer who can contact us at any time, with any problem from the field of turbochargers.